
package immutable

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BufferT[A](seg: Seg[A], evidence$1: Message[A]) extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A] with Product with Serializable

    Adds a buffered segment to the head of a ichan

  2. abstract class BufferedIChan[A] extends IChan[A] with StatefulIChan[Seg[A], A] with TestableIChan[A]

  3. case class CompressorT[A, B](complexity: Int, f: (Seg[A]) ⇒ B, evidence$1: Message[B]) extends StatelessT[A, B] with Product with Serializable

  4. class DebugT[A] extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A]

    Apply a function to elements of a stream

  5. class DropT[A] extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A]

    Drop elements from the beginning of a channel while they satisfy a predicate

  6. class DropWhileT[A] extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A]

    Drop elements from the beginning of a channel while they satisfy a predicate

  7. case class FilterT[A](complexity: Int, p: (A) ⇒ Boolean, evidence$1: Message[A]) extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A] with Product with Serializable

    Filter out values that do not satisfy a given predicate

  8. case class GroupedT[A](size: Int, acc: Seg[A], evidence$1: Message[A]) extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[Seg[A]] with Product with Serializable

    Same as List.

  9. case class MapperT[A, B](complexity: Int, f: (A) ⇒ B, evidence$1: Message[B]) extends StatelessT[A, B] with Product with Serializable

    Apply a function to elements of a stream

  10. case class ParserT[A, B](complexity: Int, reset: Parser[A, B], parser: Parser[A, B], evidence$1: Message[A], evidence$2: Message[B]) extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[B] with Product with Serializable

    Parse a ichan continuously

  11. case class PartialMapperT[A, B](complexity: Int, f: PartialFunction[A, B], evidence$5: Message[A], evidence$6: Message[B]) extends StatelessT[A, B] with Product with Serializable

  12. case class SegMapperT[A, B](complexity: Int, f: (Seg[A]) ⇒ Seg[B], evidence$3: Message[B]) extends StatelessT[A, B] with Product with Serializable

  13. case class SpanT[A](complexity: Int, p: (A) ⇒ Boolean, switch: (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A], evidence$1: Message[A]) extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A] with Product with Serializable

    Create a channel that produces messages as long as the predicate is true and then invoke k on the remaining on the chan.

  14. case class StateT[A, S, B](complexity: Int, state: S, fsm: (S, A) ⇒ (S, B), evidence$1: Message[B]) extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[B] with Product with Serializable

    Perform stateful operations on every element of an ichan

  15. abstract class StatelessT[A, B] extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[B]

    Simple transformations that produce on segement for each segment passing by.

  16. class TakeT[A] extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A]

    Continue on this channel for size value and then invoke k on the remaining on the chan.

  17. class TakeUntilT[A, B] extends (IChan[A]) ⇒ IChan[A]

    Continue on this channel for size value and then invoke k on the remaining on the chan.

  18. abstract class Zipper[A, B] extends IChan[(A, B)]

Value Members

  1. object BufferedIChan extends AnyRef

  2. object DropT extends AnyRef

  3. object DropWhileT extends AnyRef

  4. object GroupedT extends Serializable

  5. object ScannerT extends AnyRef

    Similar to list scan

  6. object TakeT extends AnyRef

  7. object TakeUntilT extends AnyRef

  8. object Zipper extends AnyRef